Friday, March 31, 2006

The Pentagram

What is the meaning associated with the pentagram? Well i will outline the basics without going into detail as it would take a long time to tell and if you really want toknow then you can go on a course somewhere!
I just want to let people know that there is nothing 'evil' about it, even the upside down pentagram, (unless used in the satanist movement with which Wicca has absolutely NO connections).
In Wicca the upside down pentagram is the symbol for the God, the male divine force as opposed to the Goddess, the female divine force.

As seen in the diagram, the topmost point of the pentagram is the symbol for spirit, our spirit and the connenction to the divine.
The right hand side point has the symbol water, which in the person represents the emotions. The lower right hand point represents fire, which in the person represents the passions and manifestational energy it is also a masculine 'upwards spiralling energy. The lower left hand point represents earth which in the person represents the ratio/conciousness and the solid manifestation of the earth plane and the connection thereof. Also earth has a feminine 'downwards' spiralling energy.
The higher left hand point is for air which in person represents the subconcious/astral and/or thought.
These interpretations are purely personal, i have meditated much on these symbols to find the correspondence within myself. Different people may experience different things here and associate differently and that is fine, as all paths are truly personal.
I truly believe in the power of the different elements, as all is reflected in all. All that is to be found in the macrocosm is also to be found in the microcosm, all elements are to be found without and within and have thier own special meanings and correspondences and this power can be drawn upon to aid ourselves and others for the greater good.
The pentagram has always been a powerful symbol, used for eons by many different races and cultures, from the Egyptians to the Christians!
But mainly for me at the moment, is symbolizes the path i am walking, who i am and whom i shall become, the balancing of self to find the whole and the path back to godliness, our total conscious connection to creation. (not that i expect i'll manage it in this lifetime, but there'no harm in trying ;o) haha)


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