Thursday, March 30, 2006

Letting us know he's around....

It was the 18th of december, i was in mij bedroom making the bed up when a 'stress ball' (you know one of those squishy balls to squeeze and massage te relieve stress) literally jumped off the wardrobe next to me! I was puzzled, but assumed that it had just rolled off. I picked it up and put it back on top of the wardrobe. Two minutes later the ball plopped onto the floor again next to me.
Pffft, again i picked up the ball and this time i put it behind a book and some other stuff that was up there, so it couldn't roll off again. You see where this is going don't you?! ;o) Yep, the ball still managed to end up bouncing off the wardrobe and landing at my feet...
This time i realized that it could not be coincidence and asked "Dad, is that you?" I didn't get an answer, but had a feeling that there was something about that particular day that i couldn't remember, anyway, i went on with finishing what i was doing. The ball remained on top of the wardrobe...
Later that afternoon i got an excited phonecall from my sister in England...She was sitting at home on the sofa with her young baby on her knee. On the floor was a baby-gym (a frame with toys/bells/ rattles etc hanging off elastic where you lie your baby under to play), as my sister sat on the sofa, one of the elastics pulled itself to the ground and snapped up with a rattle! My sister looked in amazement and her husband, who was stood looking out of the window turned round expecting to see his baby playing with the gym, instead he and my sister saw the elastic waving around on its own as thier baby on my sisters knee giggled with delight!
My sister asked me if there was something special about the day and i told her that i had the same feeling, though couldn't remember anything, so we decided to call Mum and ask her.
Well, when my sister and i told her what we had experienced, she laughed and told us that it would have been her and Dad's wedding anniversary! So he's still letting us know that he's around :o))))


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