Wonder why i do that?
I have been married once and have had one relationship after that where i have lived together with my partner. Each time i find that i seem to get men that need 'fixing' in some way or another, usually they have some kind of psychological problem. Also in virtually all my other(important) relationships its been this way....I also seem to attract the kind of guy that can't go for me the whole way as it were. There is always something else that is more important to them than thier relationship with me and thier children. Why is this i wonder? There is obviously some kind of need in me to find someone to fix and to find someone who keeps his distance...After many years of searching through this i'm not sure what the answer is. Maybe it has something to do with my father dying when i was young, chosing someone to care for to make up for the care i had to miss. I have also in every relationship i've had been the one to finish it, maybe the same root, 'they will leave me at some stage (as my Dad did) so if i stay in control by finishing with them before they leave me i will have a lot less pain'...
I'm trying to fix this! So i don't get myself into another relationship where i am the carer, i have decided to change careers. I want to go into caring. In this way i can fulfil my need to care for needy and damaged people in a work enviroment instead of doing it in my relationships!!...
I'm not quite sure if it will work, but it's worth a try and i have always wanted to do that kind of job since volunteer work.
Until then, i aim to stay away from relationships until i get down to the core issues, i'm not bitter, maybe just a little bit afraid to make the same mistake again and VERY cautious ;o)
Illustration by Don Tywoniw.